Mrs. Hartmann's class celebrated the 100th day of school in style. Kindergarten at GFW Elementary is an incredible place!
about 8 hours ago, GFW Public Schools
100th day
100th day
100th day
100th day
100th day
100th day
100th day
Congratulations to our GFW Middle School Students of the Month!
about 10 hours ago, GFW Public Schools
Students of the month
Students of the month
There will be no school on Monday, Feb. 17.
1 day ago, GFW Public Schools
No School Mon Feb 17
GFW Middle School and High School is gearing up for FFA Week next week! Check out the activities and theme days.
1 day ago, GFW Public Schools
FFA week activities
A huge thanks to the Gibbon Lions Club for helping out with vision screenings! Check out the local papers this week for more.
3 days ago, GFW Public Schools
Gibbon lions
Last week, students in Mrs. Maldonado's Kindergarten Immersion class got a special visit from her husband Rosendo! He visited to read a book about dental care in spanish to the students and at end of the story he asked them who had the cleanest teeth in the classroom "Quien tiene los dientes más limpios en el aula?" as they saw their reflection in a mirror. What a fun day!
4 days ago, GFW Public Schools
Class visitor
Class visitor
Class visitor
Class visitor
Class visitor
Do you represent a local business? It’s your last chance to RSVP for the GFW CTE College and Career Fair which takes place on Friday, Feb. 21 from 8:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. for vendors. Don’t miss this great opportunity to share your organization’s mission with our students!
8 days ago, GFW Public Schools
CTE college and career fair
It's almost time for ECFE Family Bowling! Code 3 in Gibbon will host an ECFE Family Bowling Night. Please join other families with preschool age children for a night of bowling fun with prizes. Bumper pads will be in place for the younger bowlers. Food will be available for purchase. Date: Friday, Feb. 21 Time: 5 - 7:00 p.m. - come and go Location: Code 3 Bowling in Gibbon Cost: $9 per person: includes two games and shoe rental Hope to see you there!
8 days ago, GFW Public Schools
Each year, dental professionals from across the state participate in Give Kids a Smile, providing free dental care to children in need. The event takes place on the first Friday and Saturday of February and is made possible by the collaborative effort of the Minnesota Dental Association, Minnesota Dental Foundation, and volunteer dentists. There are options in Mankato, Belle Plaine and St. Peter with options for Feb. 6, 7, and 14. Find a participating clinic at the link:
8 days ago, GFW Public Schools
Free dental care
Let's have another big congratulations for Easton Taylor who officially signed to play football with SMSU yesterday!
9 days ago, GFW Public Schools
The GFW Community Bus is establishing a set schedule in order to best serve our community! On the 1st Friday of the month, the bus will be in Downtown Fairfax from 8-10 a.m. On the 2nd Friday of the month , the bus will be in Downtown Gibbon form 8-10 a.m. On the 3rd Friday of the month, the bus will be in the Winthrop Corner Pizza Parking Lot from 8-10 a.m. On the last Friday of the month, the bus will be at GFW Middle School and High School in Winthrop from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Take advantage of this incredible resource!
10 days ago, GFW Public Schools
Find the community bus
We have another huge accomplishment to celebrate! GFW Senior Easton Taylor made his 1,000th career point last night! The GFW community really comes together to cheer on our students!
10 days ago, GFW Public Schools
1000 points
1000 points
1000 points
The GFW FFA chapter had a great day at the Region VII proficiency, state degree, and star interviews last week! Here are a few highlights: Eden won the Star in Agribusiness, as well as received first in the outdoor recreation proficiency area and will be moving on to state for both. Abby won the Star Farmer award and received first in the small animal production proficiency area and will be moving on to state for both. William won the Star in Placement and received second in the dairy production proficiency and will be moving on to state for both. Carson received first in the grain production proficiency and will be advancing to state. Luke received fourth in the dairy production proficiency. Multiple members also interviewed for their state degrees. Way to go!
11 days ago, GFW Public Schools
FFA group photo
Ready to start your sourdough journey? Come join GFW Community Education for a fun and interactive sourdough workshop! Learn the art of making your own sourdough bread from scratch. You'll be walked through the process, learning tips and tricks along the way. This is a hands-on event, so be prepared to get your hands dirty (in flour)! Don't miss out on this delicious opportunity! The cost is $60. You will leave class with dough to bake at home and a well established, 105 year old starter! Please bring: Large Mixing Bowl, tea towel or dish towel Any questions please contact Elaine Dube, Two Dates Available: Tuesday, Feb. 18 6 - 8 p.m. - GFW Elementary Cafeteria, Gibbon Saturday, April 12 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. - GFW Elementary Cafeteria, Gibbon
11 days ago, GFW Public Schools
Community Ed
Let's give a huge GFW congratulations to junior Cole Jacobson who scored his thousandth point on Friday! What an incredible achievement!
11 days ago, GFW Public Schools
1000 points!
1000 points
Community Education Cooking Class Alert: Valentine's Cookie Class! Bake Valentine's cookies to share with your friends and family. We will be making three different kinds of cookies. You will be able to take home two dozen cookies at the end of the night. Tuesday Feb. 11 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. $15 a person (kids must have an adult present, adult doesn't have to pay fee) Limit 15 kids Age 8+ GFW MS/HS Kitchen Winthrop
15 days ago, GFW Public Schools
Community Ed
Reminder for GFW Students and Families, there is NO early release tomorrow and it will be a regular school day!
16 days ago, GFW Public Schools
Regular School Day
Check out some of the photo updates from the construction of the new school facility this week! Get full updates at:
22 days ago, GFW Public Schools
construction photo
construction photo
construction photo
construction photo
The GFW School Board approved a change to the 2024-25 school year calendar! Friday, Jan. 31 will now be a full school day with no early release in order for students and teachers to have more time together.
23 days ago, GFW Public Schools
Regular School Day
Thank to Laura Sallstrom and Megan Jacobsen who spoke with seniors and their families today about the robust scholarship program at GFW!
23 days ago, GFW Public Schools
Dollars for Scholars presentation