We are excited to get the new community resource out and about! The GFW Community Bus will be parked in the parking lot across from the old middle school in Fairfax on Friday, Jan. 10 from 8-10 a.m. with free resources for the community including clothes, household items and more. Check it out and read the story for more information on this great community connection: https://www.gfwschools.org/article/1907538

GFW Community Education offers Parent Talk! - a way to help parents get new skills.
Register by Jan. 9 for the Jan. 16 class focused on Social Emotional Growth and Tools for Home
Big emotions? Confusing stages? New or increasing behaviors? This interactive session will have discussion about social emotional skills and ways that parents can engage with their child to help them grow. We will discuss strategies for all different ages. This session will be available in person and online. Those attending in person will be able to make and take some tools for home. If you join virtually we will arrange a pick up time for you to get the supplies and make the tools at home.
Thursday, Jan. 16, 2025
6 - 8 p.m.
GFW Elementary School - Community Ed/ECFE Room
Fee: $5 for supplies
Child Care Provided $5/child

Community Ed Cooking Class for Grades 5-12
Join us after school and learn new cooking skills with the cooks from the high school.
Grades 5-12th grade
$15 per class
3:30 - 5 p.m.
Limit 12 kids
GFW MS/HS Kitchen Winthrop
There are lots of opportunities coming up!
Jan. 14 - Snack Mix Day - make chex mix, puppy chow, granola bars
Jan. 28 - Chocolate Day - Chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate covered frozen bananas, chocolate pudding pie
Feb. 25 - Pie Day - Apple Pie, Peanut butter pie, ice cream, whipped cream
March 11 - Pizza Day - homemade pizza and garlic sticks
April 15 - Dinner Day - homemade rolls, mash potatoes, chicken nuggets, Banana bread

Have you shared your thoughts on what you would like to see in the next Superintendent of GFW Public Schools? The survey will close on Friday, Jan. 10. Visit the Superintendent Search page to learn more and take the survey: https://www.gfwschools.org/o/gfw-schools/page/superintendent-search

Looking for a fun father/child activity in the new year? Check out Lego Building with Dad from GFW Community Education! *inclusive of fathers, stepfathers,grandfather, uncles, brother, foster fathers, father-figures and male role models
Dads can spend quality time with their child doing themed Lego projects and simple programming that make their project react to the environment. The Lego set connects with bluetooth to an iPad and students can control motion with a motor, add sound effects and senses its surroundings using the motion and tilt sensors.
Age Level : Kindergarten to 3rd grade
Tuesday, Jan. 7 and Jan. 14, 2025 from 6 – 7 p.m.
Cost - FREE
GFW Elementary School Library, Gibbon

Before the break, students at GFW Middle School and High School got to hear a special holiday song from some of the incredible international teachers serving our schools. We are thankful for amazing teachers who work so hard to provide the best educational experience for all of our students!

Check out this week's issue of the Standard-Gazette & Messenger to read about the accomplishments of the GFW Robotics team consisting of GFW, Sibley East, and home-schooled students who were supported by Team Advisor Bix Baker and GFW Staff members Chris Santos and Amy TenEyck. https://sgmnews.com/content/gfw-robotics-teams-explore-ocean

GFW Elementary School got a visit from a Grinchy special guest last week before break!

A huge thank to the Transit Trailblazers 4-H club who collected hats and mittens for GFW Elementary School after a request from President Ellie W. Thanks to Aubree, Brady and Mitchell for dropping them off with Principal Thompson!

The class of 2025 and their families will have the opportunity to learn more about the process of applying for scholarships from Laura Sallstrom of Dollars for Scholars on Wednesday, Jan. 22 from 8:30-9:30 a.m. at GFW High School. This is a great place to get support about scholarships and get your questions answered!

Students have done such a great job so far this year! We hope everyone has a restful and wonderful winter break. Schools are closed from December 23 through January 1 with staff Development days and no student attendance on January 2 and 3.

Ms. Tuazon’s 6th grade math class earned themselves a pizza party with the principal for reaching their positive classroom expectation goal! They got to eat lunch in the classroom while watching a short movie which is not a bad way to spend the day.

GFW Elementary students had their practice for the winter concert this morning and they are sounding great! Don't miss the concerts tomorrow (Thursday, Dec. 19) at 1:30 and 6:30 p.m.

Kindergarten immersion students have been working so hard in learning to read and write CVC words. They read words beginning and ending with Bb and worked with partners reading words like bib, bat, fib, cab. They rolled a dice and read words, then they wrote a word and said sentences using the words. They are doing great!

Mrs. Wheatley's fifth grade class put on a play called "What, No Santa?" and did a great job! The students did all the decision making including who got what parts, creating the props, creating the characters' voices and actions, staging, and more with zero help from an adult. They worked and practiced for about three weeks and ended up performing for three different classrooms. Way to go!

Winter break is almost here! Friday, Dec. 20 is an early release day.

The GFW Jazz Band did a great job performing for the middle school students last week!

Congratulations to the GFW Middle School Students of the Month!

GFW Public Schools is looking for someone to join our team in T-Bird Club for an open part-time position supporting our amazing students after school. Email Tonia at tonia.schiro@gfwschools.org if you are interested!

Eighth graders in the College and Career Readiness class recently took a trip to the MInnesota Zoo for a career day activity! They got to explore different stations and hear about a vof Zoo Careers including options in Animal Care, Exhibit Design, Graphic design, and more!